Corinne Wyttenbach

Corinne Wyttenbach

My greatest love has always been nature.  Its beauty never ceases to enchant me. I have always had a deep connection with and appreciation for it, making me feel at peace, yet alive.

My desire to capture its pristine energy, is to express my love for it, as I paint feeling fully connected to all its natural elements… allowing me to create from my heart and soul.” 


Creativity is something within us. In my younger years I loved making clothes, jewellery, decorations, etc. My mother once said that she never saw me with empty hands, I was always learning new crafts.

As a young adult I went off to discover the world and fell in love with the beauty of Canada, where I lived for many years. I worked in the hectic sector of finance. It was only later in my life that I gave myself permission to follow my passion to create again.

“When the student is ready, the teacher arrives.”

A new world opened up for me when I connected with a few renowned international painters whose works I had acquired and admired. They generously welcomed my interest and shared their knowledge, showing me new skills and giving me guidance to help launch my journey in becoming a landscape painter. These wonderful artists (and now dear friends) have changed my life, helping me to explore and express myself openly with my own art.

With time and practice, I began to learn and to understand the laws of light, colours, depth, composition, etc. to create a beautiful painting. I continue to work on my style and see my compositions evolving with each new painting of my muse – Mother Nature. Living with a view over Lake Geneva, I witness its beauty every day… the ever-changing light on the lake and the majestic mountain chain that lies beyond it.

My relationship with my muse strengthens every day… it’s my daily meditation. Through my observations to paint it in all aspects, my appreciation and understanding for its presence and beauty intensifies.

I wish for all of you to find and develop your passion, too, and have your inner light shine as brightly as possible, as I have through my art.

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 My next exhibition will be later in  2023

A studio visit  is  possible, please contact me.


7 + 10 =